Recognizing the Sins of the Heart That We Must Be Cleaned ‼️ Ainiyah Syarah BOOK ‼️Part: 10 (GURU BAKHIET) 📖 Explanation of the contents of the Book To be read: this Ainiyah Syarah book explains the principles of Islamic teachings in the form of nazham (poetry) that is often used in pesantren - boarding school. Here are some important points that make up the content of the book Syarah Ainiyah: Faith: Discussion about the pillars of faith, especially the emphasis on the aspect of monotheism. An explanation of the attributes of God that every Muslim must know. The concept of faith in angels, books, messengers, the Day of Judgment, and destiny. Ibadah: Explanation of the pillars of Islam, such as shahadat, prayer, zakat, fasting, and hajj. An explanation of the obligations and procedures for performing worship in accordance with Sharia. Discussion about things that invalidate worship, especially prayer and fasting. Morality and Sufism: Advice on the importance of having good morals in everyday life. A discussion about praiseworthy qualities (akhlaq mahmudah) and reprehensible qualities (akhlaq madzmumah) that should be avoided. Emphasis on controlling lust and keeping the heart clean. Manners and Ethics in Life: An explanation of manners in interacting with fellow human beings. Guidance in maintaining a good relationship between man and his God (hablun minallah) and fellow human beings (hablun minannas). Simple Fiqh Guidance: A discussion of some common fiqh issues in the lives of Muslims. An explanation of matters related to thaharah (purification), muamalah (relationships between people), and muasyarah (association). This book is also usually accompanied by a detailed lecture (explanation) so that it can be easily understood by those seeking knowledge. ================================ Subscribe for free / @ladangkalbu #tasawuf #gurubakhietlive #gurubakhietterbaru2024 #gurubakhiet #gurubakhiet #ceramahgurubakhiet # ceramahgurubakhietfull #ceramahgurubakhietterbaru #gurubakhietlive #gurubakhietterbaru #khmuhammadbakhiet #khmuhammadbakhietterbaru #mumpunihadayekti #ceramahgurubakhietterbaru2024 #salat #short #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #subscribe #shortsfeed #tausiyah #tauhid #taubat #ceramahsingkat #ceramah #ceramahagama #ceramahlucu #ceramahpendek #ulama #ulamaindonesia # alhikam #gurusekumpul #gurusekumpulmartapura #guruzuhdilucu #guruzaini #guruzuhdi #guruzuhditerbaru #guruzuhdianoor @AlBahjahTV @TAMANSURGANET @AdiHidayatOfficial @FSRMMTV @UstadzDhanuOfficialChannel @ustadzabdulsomadofficial @khzainuddinmz7335 tag: tahajud prayer, morning prayer, duha prayer, evening prayer, prayer, prayer of repentance, prayer , prohibition in prayer, forbidden to pray in the mosque, procedure for sitting prayer, procedure for lunar eclipse prayer, procedure for istikhara prayer, procedure for prayer, procedure for Eid al-Adha prayer, procedure for tahajud prayer, procedure for 3-rakat witr prayer, procedure sitting prayer, solar eclipse prayer procedure, Dhuha prayer procedure, al hikam book, book of al hikam buya arrazy, book of al hikam gus baha, book of al hikam yazid bustomi, book of al hikam buya yahya, book of al hikam wisdom 1, book al hikam according to the Salaf scholars, the book of al hikam guru Bakhiet, the book of al hikam ibnu athaillah, the book of al hikam chapter 1, the book of prayer, the book of the prophet's prayer, the book of prayer, the book of prayer al-muqorrobin, the complete prayer guide book, the book of prayer supplies, the book of prayer jurisprudence imam syafi'i, book of prayer chapters, book of safinatus prayer, book of jurisprudence of prayer, bakhiet teacher, bakhiet al hikam teacher, bakhiet teacher sholawat, latest bakhiet teacher 2024, bakhiet teacher live, bakhiet teacher asmaul husna, bakhiet teacher makrifat, bakhiet teacher poetry , guru bakhiet al hikam 1, guru bakhiet sifat 20, kh.m.bakhiet, kh. muhammad bakhiet, kh. muhammad bakhiet al - hikam, kh muhammad bakhiet terbaru, kh muhammad bakhiet al hikam 1, kh muhammad bakhiet makrifat, kh muhammad bakhiet wali allah, kh muhammad bakhiet asmaul husna, kh muhammad bakhiet sholawat, kh muhammad bakhiet sifat 20, kh muhammad bakhiet maulid nabi, lecture, funny lecture, ustadz abdul somad lecture, zainudin mz lecture, funny Sundanese lecture, habib bahar lecture, lecture Ustadz Adi Hidayat, Ustadz Hanan Attaki's lecture, Ustad Somad's lecture, Gus Miftah's latest lecture, tausiyah, tausiyah ustadzah oki setiana dewi, ustadz abdul somad's tausiyah, latest gus miftah's tausiyah, short tausiyah, ustadz hanan attaki's tausiyah, latest tausiyah buya yahya, tausiyah funny, tausiyah wedding, study, al-quran study, funny study, gus miftah study, qualified study, gus baha study, anwar zahid study, melodious study, study of holy verses of the al-quran, study of gus muwafiq, the creator, people who neglect prayer, punishment of people who are negligent in prayer, Teacher, kh muhammad bakhiet, studies kh muhammad bakhiet, studies of ustad bakhiet, studies of guru bakhiet barabai, studies of abah guru bakhiet, ustad bakhiet, latest kh bakhiet, guru bakhiet live, muhibbin barabai