Childhood (Childhood cooking) The latest and freshest content created by Chef Yongki Gunawan, where this content invites various guests to cook their childhood dishes which will then be improvised by Chef Yongki Gunawan. In this content, the guests will also introduce the place where they live and the food when they were little, so watch it until the end, because you will get interesting stories and recipes according to the guests' childhood dishes, so watch it until the end, Baking Lovers. For those who want to watch episode 1, the link is here: • Nasi Uduk Bekasi Jordhy's Childhood ... And to watch other episodes, the playlist is here: • Childhood (Childhood cooking) Recipe Book Orders can contact the number listed: 087771666064 (WA/Phone) 08175195504 (WA/Phone) 087889343746 (WA/Phone) Or take a cooking course with Chef Yongki Gunawan. Course schedule on Chef Yongki Gunawan's Instagram. IG : https://www.instagram.com/yongki_guna... Don't forget to follow Koko Will Kuliner's account iG : / kokowillkuliner Youtube : @KokoKuliner Pastel skin recipe 150gr blue band 500gr sania flour 80gr Bola Deli Rice flour 20gr cornstarch 3gr salt 10gr chicken powder 20gr barco oil 200gr water Pastel filling 500gr jicama, julienne cut/shaved shrimp 100gr Shallots 75gr Garlic 30gr Barco oil 50gr Salt 5gr Pepper 1gr Sugar 15gr Msg 3gr Oyster sauce 15gr Sambal Garlic 100gr Shallots 100gr Devil's cayenne pepper 250gr Curly red chili 250gr Vinegar Chili sauce Preserve Indonesian food by pressing the Subscribe, share, and like buttons on this video.