[ NOTICE ] Information: Contact the Technical Support Center at www.emater.tche.br or the Emater/RS-Ascar Office. In family farming, the industrialization process adds value to the producer's income and also guarantees consumers the tradition and artisanal quality of the product. And at the National Sweets Fair, Fenadoce, which takes place in Pelotas-RS, this quality is one of the highlights. Our team went to Agroindústria Figueirinhas, in Capão do Leão, to learn more about one of the recipes being sold at the fair. Check out the step-by-step instructions for making coconut donuts. Ingredients: 2 kg wheat flour 200 g grated coconut 500 g margarine 100 ml milk with 34 g ammonium salt 2 measures (cap) of yellow gela 2 measures (cap) of coconut essence 500 g sugar 3 eggs Preparation method 1st - Break the eggs into a bowl and add the margarine, coconut and sugar. Mix. 2nd - Add the milk with ammonium salt, the two measures of yellow yolk and the two measures of coconut essence. Mix until the dough is soft and homogeneous. 3rd - Add the wheat flour and mix until it is ready. 4th - Make the donuts and place them in a greased pan. Bake on low heat (150°C) for between 20 and 25 minutes. Program #964