In today's video we will discuss the reception technique and the main mistakes made during the execution of this fundamental. In the previous video we analyzed the best position to wait for the opponent's serve (if you missed the previous video go and watch it again Link to insert). A general understanding of the mechanics of the movement is essential to improve your reception. The key points to keep in mind when receiving the opponent's serve are the following: Leg reaction 00:49 Balance 01:09 Arm positioning + 1st most common mistake 01:18 Leg push + 2nd most common mistake 01:51 We are a beach volleyball school with the aim of transmitting our passion and dedication for this fantastic sport. Through our videos we want to contribute to the growth and diffusion of Beach Volleyball in Italy and in the world (in a simple but above all fun way), and we want to share our experience and our knowledge with all the fans of this sport. Discover Open Beach: https://www.openbeachvolley.com/ The contents were created by: Matteo Camozzi / matteocamozzi Federico Geromin / fede_geromin James Martins / jamesmartinsbrasil The next video will be published on our channel on Friday, April 22nd. That's all for today. Happy beach volleyball to everyone!