The judge is not bound by the opinion of the fund's medical advisor, and he assesses the victim's level of incapacity himself based on the evidence produced before him. September 22, 2022 Cour de cassation Appeal No. 21-13.232 Second Civil Chamber PUBLISHED IN THE BULLETIN ECLI:FR:CCASS:2022:C200946 https://www.courdecassation.fr/en/dec... -- Plan and timeline -- 00:00 subscription ???? and ???? ---------------------------------- Join this channel to benefit from exclusive advantages / @undeuxdroit Overview of content reserved for members • Members-only videos =================== ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This is an educational video ➜ not legal advice ➜ not the promotion of a law firm I do not claim to be right or to hold the truth =================== #rate #incapacity #permanent