Hello, friend. Is it possible to mix music in headphones? If so, which headphones are best for this. Will it be possible to mix so that my track sounds good not only in my headphones, but everywhere? And before I would have said that in principle it is possible, but with a lot of reservations. To begin with, you need open-type monitor headphones, plus, you need to listen to a lot of music in them and mix even more in order to understand where your headphones are deceiving you, and where, on the contrary, they show the true picture. In short, this is not a matter of one day and in general it is not a fact that you will have enough patience to get used to the sound of certain headphones. But now, when I am asked such questions, I can safely say that yes - you can mix in headphones. To do this, you will need, in fact, the headphones themselves and the Realphones program from dsoniq. If you do not have the opportunity to work in a well-prepared room on professional acoustic systems or you are simply forced to work in headphones for some reason, then you are at least obliged to try the product from Dsoniq. Realphones was created specifically for all those people who for some reason cannot or do not have the opportunity to work in the studio. In this video, we will look at Realphones 1.8. To date, this is the latest version after a major update. So if you have tried version 1.7, then I think you should familiarize yourself with the new version 1.8, since there are a lot of innovations that we have all been waiting for. Enjoy watching ) LINKS My Yandex Dzin: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5fce1b67adaa... VK Group: https://vk.com/club167393314 Dsoniq VK: https://vk.com/dsoniq Download Realphones 1.8 - dsoniq.ru 41-day free trial https://dsoniq.ru/download Until August 31st, a 35% discount on any plugin package