Dialogue Vraiment Très Intérestant, episode 29, portrait/meeting of the actor and artistic director Thierry Desroses. Thierry Desroses trained in dubbing with Pulp Fiction, his very first experience, and the series Urgences... Well, once we know that, already, we know that he went to an excellent school. He follows Samuel L. Jackson since the 1994 Palme d'Or, and increasingly, Forest Whitaker, as well as Giancarlo Esposito, the big baddie of Breaking Bad. We were able to admire Thierry on TV on series like PJ or even La Cour des Grands, after which he moved away from the small screen a little in order to make 3 documentaries. He comes to talk to us about all these little bits of life that make great careers. - 00:00 Intro 07:44 Beginnings/PJ 18:55 3 documentaries 29:26 ER 34:16 Bad Boys & comedy 44:32 Samuel L. Jackson 1:00:18 Giancarlo Esposito 1:03:23 Reflections & Identity Politics 1:21:21 Conclusion - Thanks to: Yann Le Madic, Axel Drhey. - To contact the author: via comments, mp, email address linked on the channel. #samuelljackson #forestwhitaker #giancarloesposito