Realitatea.net opens the world. Breaking news, LIVE events. The hottest topics of the day domestically and internationally, politics, social, education, health, justice, environment, LIVE shows - all information of public interest, in real time. Realitatea.net provides information and empowers knowledge. See reality at any time and be up to date with everything that is happening in the country and abroad. REALITATEA PLUS is the television owned by PHG MEDIA -INVEST SRL, J 40/ 4136/2020 of 23.03.2020, CUI B3997955/ 23.03.2020, holder of audiovisual license no. TV-C942.3/31.05.2022 issued on 3.07.2023 whose sole shareholder is Ms. Păcuraru Daniela Madi-100% - Administrator, responsibility for editorial content being ensured by the editorial team. The regulatory authority in the field of audiovisual programs is ensured by the NATIONAL AUDIOVISUAL COUNCIL — CNA Address: Bd. Libertății no.14, sector 5, code 050706, Bucharest, ROMANIA, www.cna.ro.