What happens when the MEI exceeds the billing limit and does not inform the IRS? Let's analyze a real case here in this video. To watch below: • Exceeded the MEI Limit? Find Out Wh... • How Much Does it Cost to Migrate from MEI to ME? A... Hire our Accounting: https://bit.ly/3AhBJkd Individual Consulting for MEI: https://hotm.art/U5Jvk84I Instagram: /suacontadoraoficial Services that I recommend for the entrepreneur: Digital Certificates: https://bit.ly/48UUtCn Trademark Registration: https://bit.ly/46WePdd Cora PJ Bank Account: https://bit.ly/45UQKCn Omie System: https://bit.ly/3QMlZLH ABOUT MY CHANNEL: Hello everyone, I'm Laís Narciso, Your Accountant. Here I will help you by sharing a lot of free content to help you with the bureaucracy of the daily life of the Brazilian. Here you will find: entrepreneurship, finance, MEI, income tax and much more!