You are a few months pregnant and you are already drowning in recommendations from one and the other. "You should buy this and that, don't forget this, it's essential" and your budget is soaring... Don't panic! This morning we are going to help you see clearly between the essential purchases and those that are more incidental. And make sure that your baby doesn't lack anything. To help us: Anaïs Lunet, baby planner at B for Baby. Baby planner is like wedding planner but for babies. She helps future mothers to best prepare the house and the birth kit. And she participated last Wednesday for 4 hours in our Facebook Live. Thank you for coming back this morning! Laurence Rameau, our childcare worker who was also there on Facebook to answer your questions about childcare and safety at home. And who will give us other advice this morning. Follow La Maison des Maternelles On the FranceTV website: https://www.france.tv/france-5/la-mai... On Facebook: / lamaisondesmaternelles On Twitter: / lmdmf5 On Instagram: / lamaisondesmaternelles On TV: Monday to Friday at 9:20 a.m. on France 5