This is a reading piece that Noto Emi created 16 years ago in 2008. The story depicts the protagonist, who has returned from the city to the countryside, stepping off at the train station, the first step in starting her life in the countryside. The work has many youthful elements, but it makes me think that her fundamental way of thinking has not changed. I found this when I was sorting through files on my PC, so I thought it would be nice if people who are not familiar with Noto Emi's old readings could listen to it, so I decided to release it. "Sleeping Station" Written and read by Noto Emi Works released in 2008 on Noto Emi's personal website Yellow Rabbit Please feel free to recommend or introduce your own work or make requests in the comments section or on Twitter (https://x.com/noto_emi) or Marshmallow (https://marshmallow-qa.com/j4tz3zevpu... I will mainly be doing original readings!