Download the CRECISP app: https://www.crecisp.gov.br/home/aplic... . Starting Point 05/07/2019 Topic: Reading body language and physiognomy The lecture addresses body and facial language, which represents up to 93% of our communication. With the ability to read body and facial language, it is possible to decide, apply or redirect the way of approaching the interlocutor and affect the success of your communication and relationship. #Physiognomy #BodyLanguage #SandraReginaDaLuzInácio Speaker: Sandra Regina da Luz Inácio contact - (11) 982666327 [email protected] Post-doctorate in International Business and Clinical Psychology; President-Director of BMB (Business Marketing Brain); Neuroengineer. Specialist in Marketing strategies. Professor at FGV-RJ. Due to copyright, some videos of the lecture were removed when editing for Youtube. The full version of the lecture can be watched on the CRECI TV website: https://tv.crecisp.gov.br/midia?v=952...