Majelis Ta'lim NURUL MUHIBBIN Paringin, Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan ' Kitab Al-Hikam Ibn Athaillah Introduction to the Study of Al-Hikam Kitab Al-Hikam is the work of Sheikh Ibn Atha'illah, the third mursyid of the Syadziliyah Order. The first founder of Syadziliyah was Sheikh Abu Hasan Ali Asy-Syadzili, a Moroccan who later settled in Alexandria, Egypt and died in 1258 AD. His successor was Sheikh Abu Abbas Al-Mursi, who came from Murcia, Andalusia, Spain (died in 1287 AD), who after his death was continued by Sheikh Ibn Atha'illah. Sheikh Ibn Atha'illah lived in Egypt during the reign of the Mamluk Dynasty. He was born in the city of Alexandria (Iskandariyah), Egypt, then moved to Cairo. In this city he spent his life teaching the Imam Maliki School of Jurisprudence at various intellectual institutions. Ibn Atha'illah is classified as a productive scholar. He has produced no less than 20 works. The work covers the fields of Sufism, tafsir, aqidah, hadith, nahwu, and ushul fiqh. Of his several works, the most famous is the Al-Hikam Book which is said to be his magnum opus. Al-Hikam is a book intended for walkers (salik), which contains further guidance for every walker to take a spiritual journey. Al-Hikam contains various strict suluk terminology, which refers to various terms in the Qur'an. Lecturer Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Bakhiet or usually called Guru Bakhiet, was born on January 1 1966 in Telaga Air Mata village, Kampung Arab, Hulu Sungai Tengah district. His father is Tuan Guru Haji Ahmad Mughni and mother Beliu Hj. Zainab. His father's lineage is Tuan Guru Haji Ahmad Mughni bin Tuan Guru Haji Ismail bin Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Thahir bin Khalifah Haji Syihabuddin bin Maulana Syekh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari. From his father he was taught knowledge about science, especially inner science, and studied with scholars around him. In deepening his religious knowledge, he took a lot from prominent scholars. His teachers include his own parents, namely Tuan Guru Haji Ahmad Mughni, from here he obtained a lot of knowledge, especially regarding inner science (Sufism). The science of fiqh was specifically studied with Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Wahab (Qadli Barabai Village). Arabic language knowledge, especially Nahwu science, was studied from Tuan Guru Haji Hasan and Tuan Guru Haji Saleh Barabai. While regarding the science of astronomy, he studied it from Tuan Guru Haji Mahfuz bin Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Ramli bin Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Amin, a figure who founded the Ibnul Amin Pamangkih Islamic Boarding School. His studies are always attended by thousands of worshipers, from there the Nurul Muhibbin Islamic Boarding School moved to Paringin which is wider and more spacious... His routine studies are usually spread across several cities in South Kalimantan, including Wednesday nights in Balangan, Thursday afternoons in Barabai, and Sunday nights in Handil Bakti. #almadaniahjaro #nurulmusthofa #Ahbabulmusthofa #Ahbabulmusthofabatusopang #TabalongToday #NurulMuhibbin #TeacherBakhiet #fatherofteacherscollect #zainigani #alhikam #ahmadsanusi #teacherjaro #alibusthomi #MahbubLovers #teacherbakhiet #anwahamedia #teacherlovers #latestteacherbakhie #piety #uas #abdulsomad #muhibbin232 #barabaibungas #daretomigrate #hulusungaitengah #nurulmuhibbin232 #arifinilham