Revisiting the first bands on the channel, and getting more into the sound and live energy of Rata Blanca, finally! Maybe I lack energy in my metal reactions, but it's still everything I like! Passionate forever ;) 4 songs, even 2 live this time! The Circle of Fire The Forgotten Kingdom The Rainbow Warrior (live) The Legend of the Fairy and the Wizard (live) A hug .......... If you are interested in other reactions, please let me know in the comments, and the rest you know, like, subscribe, etc. This music and the video belong to their authors, I make this video only to provide a different vision, and maybe help in the most humble way possible to connect people, regardless of our origins or cultures... Spotify playlists: Songs already made and listened to on the channel: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6BR... Song and/or album suggestions: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6GR... I'm on Instagram too! @ELFRANCESDEYT