Born in Águas de Lindóia - SP, Carlos Massa, popularly known as Ratinho, stars in the eighteenth episode of MF Cast. The life of this renowned presenter has unique origins: from a simple family, the son of a bricklayer, his father was called to work on the construction of coffee plantations in Paraná, taking the Massa family to Marumbi and, later, to Jandaia, where they settled for many years. At the age of 18, Ratinho surprised everyone by becoming the most voted councilman in Jandaia, and was subsequently reelected. Ratinho's career took him to the world of radio. In Mandaguari - PR, he was an announcer at a radio station that he later became the owner of. Today, he owns 76 radio stations throughout Brazil, with the ambitious goal of establishing the largest radio network in the country. Ratinho also stands out as a rural producer, growing soybeans and coffee, in addition to dedicating himself to livestock. His entrepreneurial spirit also extends to several hotel ventures throughout Brazil, a sector that he says is an excellent business for investment in the country. With a big heart, Ratinho also says how good it feels to do good for the people around him, without expecting anything in return. In this episode, Ratinho shares the saga of his life, commenting on the paths that led him to success. In addition, he gives tips on good business opportunities in Brazil, based on his own experience. Press play and check it out! Host: Roberto Fabrizzi Lucas @robertoflucas and Walter Celani @waltercelanijunior Guest: Ratinho @oratinho Visit our website: https://www.mfrural.com.br/?cmp=3924 Instagram: /mfcast_ Tiktok: /mfcast_