*This video uses the text-to-speech software "Voicepeak." We have collected super long-selling airplanes that are still in production. We have limited the list to airplanes that are still being sold under the same model and product names. 0:00 Intro 1:01 15th Il-76 2:05 14th L-410 3:04 13th L-39 4:04 12th B737 5:15 11th PC-7 6:20 10th Islander 7:33 9th DHC-6 8:34 8th King Air 9:46 7th E-2 10:58 6th Baron 12:11 5th PA-28 13:31 4th Cessna 172/182 15:31 3rd C-130 16:56 2nd Bonanza 18:31 1st Cub 21:00 Extra CJ-6