We met in the collection of cherry varieties in Mr. Grzegorz Sękowski's nursery to look at the situation in individual cherry varieties. From these observations, a RANKING OF CHERRY VARIETIES AFTER FROST was created, assessed on a scale of 0-6. CONTENTS: 6:25 - Kasandra 7:53 - Carmen 15:19 - Summit 15:19 - Horka 20:37 - Techlovan 21:31 - Sandra 23:26 - Sylvia 25:30 - Kordia 27:03 - Justyna 28:37 - Tamara 30:03 - Regina 31:59 - Irena 33:29 - Staccato ▶️ We invite you to subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/2PKDg9b More videos - subscription http://bit.ly/2PKDg9b More information and discussion: https://www.sadownictwo.com.pl / sadownictwo / sadownictwo #sadownictwo #cherries #frost damages