This time I went to Mikołajki, where the Rally Poland took place for the 80th time, which this year was a round of the World Championship! See this adventure through the eyes of a fan! . ORLEN 80 Rally Poland took place on June 27-30 in Mikołajki. . More info here: https://rajdpolski.pl/ . . . . . To Mikołajki and to the SS, we drove a Yaris GR with @kicksterent . Rent it here: https://kicksterent.pl / kicksterent / kicksterent . . . My signed book is available for purchase here: https://bit.ly/kicksterbook . . . Sociale here: . FB - / kickstertv . IG: / ___kickster___ . TT: / ___kickster___ . Vlog channel: / @sebastiankickster . .