#Norman_Asaad #Abbas_Alnouri #Rajaha The series tells the story of Rajaha with Al-Qadri, who separated her from her children and killed her husband. She was accused of murder and sentenced to death. She escapes from prison with her friend and joins the Khajar who protect her from the police. After that, she begins searching for Al-Qadri and her children by working in Basara. When she confirms all the news, she allies herself with the people who stood against her and testified falsely against her. She goes to the police and surrenders herself. She is found innocent and informs the police. After that, she goes to Al-Qadri's wedding and disguises herself as a Khajar, claiming that she is a singer and sings her story. After Al-Qadri finds out that she is Rajaha, he flees and the police pursue him and arrest her. After that, Rajaha meets her children and her friend goes to prison. Events follow until Al-Qadri comes out and takes revenge on him.