The trip to Raja Ampat was very special for us. Raja Ampat is in West Papua on the border between the Indian and Pacific Oceans in Indonesia. It is called the last paradise because there is still a fantastic, intact underwater world here, many parts of which are protected. The landscape above water is also very impressive. A thousand thanks to Nik, Gillang, Owen, Bangkit, Uzman & Zafran from / millekuladventures for this great time. Many thanks also to Michael https://www.instagram.com/michaelneum... as well as Lara https://www.instagram.com/larahtzm/?h... , Andrea https://www.instagram.com/andrea_outd... and Jochen https://www.instagram.com/jochen_off_... Our music: If you sign up with this link, you get 2 months free. :) https://artlist.io/referral/4849799/A... Here you can find our Instagram channels, where we also take you with us every day: Mathias: https://www.instagram.com/mathias.koc... Annika: https://www.instagram.com/annistravel... For more camping inspiration, check out our Instagram channel Buli.Karli: https://www.instagram.com/buli.karli/... On our homepage you can find out more about our work as photographers: https://www.kochphoto.net/ as well as our presets.