🔥USEFUL SCHOOL TRAINING, GET IT FOR FREE! ➡https://clck.ru/3CKNTf 🔥SIMPLE TECHNIQUES for improving health are available in Roman Romanenko's telegram, join us ➡️ https://t.me/+ZjndTRlAqBZlMDVi Hello everyone! Roman Romanenko with you Welcome to the Vremeny.net project channel! 🦵Today I will show you a universal exercise that prevents thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, leg numbness, swelling, knee displacement, hip pain and even hip fracture. No additional equipment is needed! Well, shall we get started? ❓What did you feel during and after the exercise? 👍Like and subscribe to the channel! 🌷Remember that we have no time for pain and illness! #timeisnot #romanromanenko #varicose veins #thrombophlebitis #exercisesforlegs #varicose veinsprevention #varicose veinsveins #health STRUCTURE: 00:00 — Exercise "legs up" 03:34 — Let's move on to practice 06:57 — Recommendations✏️ ===============DISCLAIMER==================== This video is for informational and review purposes only and is not advice or a call to action. The Vremeny Net channel team only broadcasts its subjective opinion or the opinion of other experts. We kindly ask viewers and subscribers to take the above into account when making a decision. #anti-aginggymnastics #backexercises #faceyouth #ElenaPyatibrat #VremenyNet #rejuvenation #anti-agingExercises #health #medicine #facialrejuvenation #notime #beautyandhealth #howtokeepyouthful #healthsecrets #facialgymnastics #facebuilding #exercises #osteopathy #healthylifestylerules #propernutrition #howtoloseweight #howtodefeatoldage #aging