Regional day of PID 2016 in Čerčany. On that day, on the route Prague-Benešov, Prague-Vrané n. Vlt. - Čerčany in the section Čerčany-Týnec n. Sáz. and Čerčany-Sázava-Černé Budy were driven by historic trains. On them appeared Bardotky 749.259 and 749.253 KŽC Transport which, however, encountered a fault in Senohraby and so its train had to be taken over by Kocour 740.692 and Hektor 720.003. Even after almost three years, Žabotlams of the 451 series raced between Prague and Benešov, but the biggest exclusivity was certainly the Brno Interpanter of the 660 series.