This is the 30th installment of the Railway Farce series, concluding the last of 2021! I have been to the Railway Museum three times in the past, and the image used as the background this time was taken in May 2019, the last time I went. (However, the image of Omiya Station was taken in January 2020.) By the way, the image at the end is a snow globe souvenir from the Railway Museum. Once again, I look forward to your continued support next year! ■Cast of this episode■ ○Main story - 209 Series 500 Musashino Line - 205 Series 5000 Musashino Line - 0 Series Shinkansen - 200 Series Shinkansen ○Opening - 313 Series 5000 - Tobu 10030 Series - 117 Series 100 "Special Rapid Service"