The Railway Museum in Utrecht is temporarily inaccessible by train due to safety issues with level crossings. ProRail has suspended train service after a train passed a level crossing in February where the barriers did not close due to dirt on the track. The detection system failed due to leaves, making trains invisible for several seconds, leading to unsafe situations. This problem has already occurred thirteen times in twelve years. The museum, which has its own station, is experiencing inconvenience because one in five visitors comes by train. Buses are available, but the experience is less. The museum hopes to recover before the busy Christmas holidays. ProRail is looking for a sustainable solution for the unique track, where few trains run and leaves cause problems. Safety is a priority, both for ProRail and the Railway Museum. For the latest (sports) news, weather and traffic, live streams and our radio and TV programs from the city and province of Utrecht, visit https://www.rtvutrecht.nl Don't want to miss anything? Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/2plk1Yp Want to watch more videos? Click here: https://bit.ly/2opWc15 (C) RTV Utrecht