In 2007, Lasha Khorguani's relative made a call to Nanuka Zhorjoliani at around 3 o'clock in the morning. A few minutes later, Irakli Kodua called Khorguan's number, cursed Khorguan and threatened to meet in Bacho Akhalaia's office. The next day, Khorguani, who was coming from Svaneti to Tbilisi, was arrested on the way by "Kudi" special forces and taken to the module building. Brothers Khvicha and Gocha Mildyan, who were traveling in the same minibus taxi, were picked up with him, because the special forces thought they were Khorguan's relatives. Operative workers planted drugs and hand grenades on all three of them. After the case received a great response, the detainees were released with a plea agreement. According to the Ombudsman, Khorguan showed signs of torture and beating, which he received in the building of the module.