In today's class, Prof. Dr. Sister Anna Maria Fedeli explains in depth the life of one of the most influential figures on the Second Vatican Council, Karl Rahner. Works on the Second Vatican Council: https://www.floscarmeliedicoes.com.br... About Flos Carmeli: Website: http://floscarmeliestudos.com.br/ Bookstore: https://www.floscarmeliedicoes.com.br/ Instagram: @floscarmeliedicoes Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Ff7Q6F Contact: [email protected] About the teacher: Sister Anna Maria Fedeli, was born in São Paulo in 1957. She is the director of the São Mauro School, in the same city, and Coordinator of the Santa Escolástica Study Center, of the São Mauro Fraternity. She graduated in Literature from USP and has a PhD in Literature from FFLCH-USP, a PhD in Philosophy from PUC-SP and is a researcher at the Medieval Philosophy Research Group at PUC-SP.