full course: www.professorferretto.com.br RADIOACTIVITY - ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA RADIATION PARTICLES AND MUCH MORE!!!!! Alpha radiation (α) This radiation has a positive charge, is made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons (HELIUM NUCLEUS). Alpha radiation has a relatively greater mass and electric charge than other radiations, in addition to being very energetic. It has less penetrating power and greater ionizing power. Beta radiation (β) Beta radiation is the one with a negative charge, which is why it resembles electrons. Beta rays are more penetrating and less energetic than alpha particles, they can pass through aluminum foil, but are easily stopped by pieces of wood. Gamma radiation (γ) Gamma radiation is not very energetic, but it is extremely penetrating, and can pass through the human body. Due to these characteristics, this radiation is harmful to human health, it can cause malformation in cells. It has greater penetrating power and lower ionizing power