❤️ SUPPORT THE ENTELEKIA PROJECT: https://www.gofundme.com/f/progetto-e... 🌱 SGARAVATTI SEEDS: https://sgaravatti.net/pages/sementi-... 🌱 TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://t.me/supertranquillo 🌱 EVOLUTIONARY SEEDS ENTELEKIA COLLECTION: https://campomadre.wordpress.com/semi/ 🌱 COURSES AND PATHS: https://campomadre.wordpress.com/eventi/ ❤️ SUBSCRIBE HERE: / @supertranquillo 🌱 BEING A SYMBIONT: • Being a Symbiont 🌱 ENTELEKIA LUNARIO: https://campomadre.wordpress.com/cale... ❤️ OUR PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/@supertranqui... Video made by alessandro pambianchi montelli and francesca antonini for the campomadre project. Vegetable garden in July, Sowing in the seedbed for the Autumn Vegetable Garden. What to sow? Radicchio Rosso a Palla and Lungo, Chicory Pan di Zucchero, Radicchi of the Variegated type of Castelfranco, Lusia and Chioggia #chicory #radicchio #tutorial Hello! We are Alessandro and Francesca, since 2022 we have been looking for a farm in the countryside of the Tuscan Maremma in which to carry out the entelekia project: https://campomadre.wordpress.com/prog... Now, in 2023, we are about to buy an agricultural land of about 4 hectares with arable land and woodland, the adventure is about to begin! If you want to help us make our dream come true, you can do so at this fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/f/progetto-e... The entelekia project is like a natural hybrid, or better yet, it is like an evolutionary population that includes the best inspirations drawn from various evolutionary agricultures: from organic agriculture and organic garden methods to the beauty of its essence that goes beyond certification; from the natural agriculture of Masanobu Fukuoka to its evolution implemented by students Larry Korn and Panos Manikis; from the permaculture of Bill Mollison and David Holmgren to its Italian adaptation promulgated by the Institute and Academy of Permaculture; from the synergic garden of Emilia Hazelip to the synergic agriculture of Antonio De Falco; from the syntropic agriculture of Ernest Gotsch to the Italian adaptation of the agro-silvo-pastoral systems of Matteo Mazzola and Gennaro Cardone; from the improving techniques of the brf and regenerative agriculture of Jairo Restrepo Rivera to the biointensive garden and the market gardening of Jean Martin Fortier; from the no dig method of Charles Dowding to the elementary agriculture and the non-method Cappello of Gian Carlo Cappello; from the magical anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner and biodynamic agriculture to the intelligence of plants of Stefano Mancuso; from the genetic improvement of Professor Salvatore Ceccarelli and the Rete Semi Rurali to the conservative practices of the seedsavers with which to save seeds and biodiversity. In this channel we tell our journey in which each video can be many different things: a vlog on the agricultural daily life experienced in the garden, a tutorial on how to do the garden in total do-it-yourself using the most diverse agricultural techniques; an attempted documentary; an interview; a podcast; or simply a video without category and classification. Here we can learn together: how to cultivate the land while simultaneously managing to regenerate the soil and produce abundant harvests; when and how to sow vegetables and how to care for plants in the various agricultural seasons: from the summer garden to the winter garden, from the spring garden to the autumn garden; why evolutionary agriculture is so effective, thanks to mulching that becomes amendment, fertilization, humus; how to maintain the farm, from the vineyard to the orchard, from the field of ancient evolutionary grains to the domestic family garden. Here we can understand how to prune, graft, weed, hoe, dig, earth up, sow, transplant, harvest, treat plants. How to prepare and apply natural treatments such as fungicides, macerates, pesticides and much more. For now, the only thing we cannot learn together is how to drive and use the tractor, but we can focus on all the other manual agricultural tools, from the spade fork to the grelinette, from the magic spade to the aerofork, from the hoe to the shovel, and so on. In the future we want to integrate into the agro ecosystem also forms of breeding and beekeeping that contribute to making the project sustainable and self-sufficient, starting from breeding chickens, donkeys, beehives to produce eggs, manure, honey, from pasture to chicken coop to apiary, all protected by an electro-welded mesh fence or an electric or electrified fence. In our planning we do not know whether to open a farm or not. Regardless, we want to echo our essential values such as safeguarding agro biodiversity and valorizing the agricultural tradition by putting it at the service of innovation and the resilience of present and future generations.