CONFERENCE: “SERVAgro: platform for optimizing water use and reducing climate risk for the agricultural sector - a Brazilian case study”. Dr. Thieres George Freire da Silva is an agronomist with a master's and doctorate in Agricultural Meteorology, and a specialist in Water Resources for the Semiarid Region and in Agroecology. In Brazil, he is a professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Serra Talhada Academic Unit, where he works on topics related to Agriculture, Livestock, Agrometeorological Services, Innovations and impacts of land use change. He has over 780 scientific productions and has trained 116 professionals. He is the leader of the Research Group on Agrometeorology in the Semiarid Region (GAS). He was President of the Brazilian Society of Agrometeorology (SBAgro) and managed over 20 funded Research, Development and Innovation projects.