UM BRASIL welcomes two important voices from the minority rights movement: Amara Moira, writer and LGBT activist, and Djamila Ribeiro, philosopher and black feminist activist. In this debate, they discuss the relationship between gender, race and class discrimination, and advocate for an active stance of criticism and demand to combat inequalities. This interview is a partnership between UM BRASIL and Brazil Forum UK (http://brazilforum.co.uk/), an annual conference organized by Brazilian postgraduate students from universities in the United Kingdom, such as the University of Oxford, LSE, King's College, among others. For more information, visit: umbrasil.com © FecomercioSP 2017. All property rights related to the content of this work are the exclusive property of FECOMERCIO-SP, under the terms of Law No. 9.610/98 and other legal provisions applicable to the subject. Total or partial reproduction is prohibited without authorization. The opinions expressed in this channel do not necessarily reflect the position of FecomercioSP.