Continuing with the series “Prayer” Pastor Andrés Corson continues to develop the fourth step, “Let the kingdom of God come to earth and our lives.” We need the Holy Spirit to dwell in us to bear fruit, but it is not enough to be baptized once in the Holy Spirit, it is essential that He works permanently in our lives, so we can see His power and consequently His fruits. The power of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 2:14, Luke 3:16 Two benefits that God has for all believers: 1. Being born again: accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, at that moment we become a temple of the Holy Spirit. 2. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit, that is, we are empowered to do the same supernatural things that Jesus did when he came to earth. Hebrews 1:8, Acts 14-15 Therefore, have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit or have you only had the experience of conversion? Why do we need the Holy Spirit? 1. It gives us power and courage to testify about Jesus, that is, evangelize. Acts 1:8 2. It gives us power to prophesy and have visions. Acts 2:17 3. To heal the sick and cast out demons as Jesus did. Acts 10:38, Mark 16:18, 1 Timothy 5:22 4. It fills us with his anointing. Luke 4:18 5. It gives us power to stop sinning. Romans 8: 1,2,12,13 6. It gives life to our mortal body. Romans 8:11 So, what is being baptized by the Holy Spirit? According to the biblical context it refers to dyeing, that is, we must spend time with him until we are impregnated with his presence. Ephesians 5:18. There is nothing that prevents us from being baptized in the Holy Spirit, we need that baptism to be holy. Galatians 3: 2,3,5. Subscribe to our channel to receive a new video in your feed: http://goo.gl/EpjsX If you want to know more about the Church The Place of His Presence and His Presence visit our website http://www.supresencia.com and our official channel on youtube / supresencia . Facebook of the Church The Place of His Presence: / el.lugar.de.su.presencia Facebook of the Praise Team: / ministerio.supresencia Twitter: @SuPresenciaIgle @SuPresencia Remember to use our hashtag for both Instagram and Twitter #SuPresencia