???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????. In order to consider: ◽ - File 17-PE-2024, Message No.: 0057/2024 dated October 2, 2024, communicating the issuance of Decree 879/2024, by which the Bill registered under No. 27,757 is fully observed and returned. VOTING MINUTES: https://votaciones.hcdn.gob.ar/votaci... ▶ • ???? VOTING - University Financing... ???????????????????????????? Legislative Palace ????????:???????????????? Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation Republic of Argentina Presidency: Dip. MENEM, Martín - LLA - LA RIOJA ▶ INSTRUCTIONS: • SPECIAL SESSION - October 9, 202... @diputados.argentina SESSION REQUESTED BY DEPUTY RODRIGO DE LOREDO AND OTHER DEPUTIES, BY DEPUTY MIGUEL ÁNGEL PICHETTO AND OTHER DEPUTIES, AND BY DEPUTY GERMÁN MARTÍNEZ AND OTHER DEPUTIES