The sound of the flute (0:00) The man who became rich (15:13) The nobleman's trick (35:24) Gingerbread (50:18) Summary and comments (59:27) They say there are four types of people in the world. Good people, bad people! People who are bad but make others around them bad, and people who are good but make others around them good. In the story of the sound of the flute that I told you today, the main character, a young man, found a flute by chance and healed people who were suffering from an epidemic. Was it because of his kind heart? Only the young man could play the flute. The magical flute in the story may not actually exist, but I think this is telling us that we should be people who have a good heart and have a good influence on those around us. I hope you have a comfortable night's sleep with today's fun and touching old story. Music provided by BGM President Track: Listening to while sleeping - • [BGM President] (Sleep-inducing music/Lullaby/RELAXING) Listening to while sleeping/L... #Fairytale #Old story #Traditional fairytale #Bedtime story #Audiobook