Hello my dear friends and followers. We will try to help you find your way with Tarot. I will try to convey Tarot readings with my intuition, feelings and my own words. We do not promise the future in these readings, only GOD knows everything. I am just trying to make you feel a little better spiritually. This is a collective reading, watch it for therapy purposes, do not try to adapt yourself, please take the side that fits and send the one that does not fit back to the universe. I greet everyone with love, may your luck and path always be open, My Beautiful Hearted Friends. #tarot#persononmymind#aquiz#iaskedhimaboutyou #deckselectionpersononmymind #DoesHeLove #MyLove #AkinaSare #IsThereSomeoneInYourLife #DidIForget #WillHeComeBack #ThePersonInMyHeart #Katina #KatinaDestesi#Fortunetelling#CoffeeFortunetelling#tarot#tarotreading#lovereading#platoniclove#complexrelationship#expartner#relationshipopening#lovereading#fortunetelling#thereisafuture#thepersoninmymindthinksaboutme#doesheloveme#willhemakeamove#thereisacommonfuture#shouldiwaitforhim#forbiddenlove#tarotreading#katinareading#choosedeck#collectiveenergy#maleenergy