The Court of Auditors of the State of Pernambuco (TCE PE) has formed an organizing committee for the exam. The starting salary is over R$22,000! The last exam announcement was published in 2017 and was conducted by Cebraspe, just like the previous one, which was published in 2004. The video also provides information about the last exam that will leave you speechless and eager to prepare for this Court of Auditors, which is one of the most important courts in the country. Watch the video until the end so that you know which subjects you should start studying now to do well on the exam date. If you want to prepare well for this exam by mastering the objective and discursive questions, join the D7/7 Mentorship. This way, you will make your study time efficient and of high quality, so that you can advance in your mastery of the subjects by the date of your exam. You can click on the following link and Luísa will explain in detail how the Mentorship works: https://bit.ly/contatoliviaseco Subscribe to the Channel and follow me on Instagram to follow all the content: @liviaseco To be a member of the Channel and have your questions answered with priority, click here and join: / @liviaseco It will be a pleasure to have you in my Club of future approved candidates! Become a member and soon we will be celebrating your approval! BOOKS I RECOMMEND ???? Nothing can hurt me ► https://amzn.to/4fx1coS It's never time to stop ► https://amzn.to/4hzxzF6 Atomic habits ► https://amzn.to/3YCB0SU #publiccontest #tcepecontest #cagerscontest #ccontesttcema #tcespcontest #tcucontest