The Minister of the Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency of the Republic, Paulo Pimenta, is the interviewee this Saturday (16) on the Giro Social program. Giro Social is an interview program created by Canal Gov especially for the G20 Social Summit, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro from November 14 to 16. Each day, the attraction will receive a Minister of State to comment on the main topics under discussion at the meeting. Follow: ------------------------- Welcome to the CanalGov profile on YouTube. Here you can follow news about the main acts and facts of the federal government. ** SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/3ay7WBM / canalgov / canalgov https://bsky.app/profile/canalgov.ebc... https://kwai.com/@canalgov https://threads.net/canalgov / canalgov https://t.me/ebcnarede