???? ????EVERYTHING! Everything you need to know about Solar Water Heaters in ONE video. Before investing, DISCOVER How a Solar Heater, Solar Thermo or Solar Boiler works. SIMPLE and Useful Explanations. I am an architect and I have already installed many solar heaters. If you ever wondered what solar water heaters are like, this is a good opportunity to SAVE a lot of time searching. I tell you about my experiences first hand and answer these questions about solar boilers: ???? What does solar water heating consist of?: Principles of using solar thermal energy ???? How is a solar heater installed on different types of roofs? ???? Components of solar heaters: Solar tank or boilers and solar collectors, what are each one? ???? What to consider when buying a solar water heater? ???? Do solar water heaters work on cloudy days? ???? Where are solar heaters installed to optimize their performance? ???? Can a solar water heater be added to the existing sanitary installation? ???? How to calculate the size of a Solar Water Heater? ???? What is the useful life of solar water heaters? ???? What is the payback period of a solar water heater? ???? Advantages and disadvantages of using solar thermal energy in the home