#rio4fun #campogrande #brazilianfood ???? Subscribe to the channel: /rio4fun Another episode of the series: RIO4FUN Brazil ???????? 27! We are traveling through all the Brazilian capitals. If you live in a capital city, know that we will soon be recording in your city! It's time for Campo Grande, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, where we tasted typical foods and visited the coolest places in the city. Places visited: 1. Municipal Market - address: R. Sete de Setembro, 65 - Centro, Campo Grande - MS, 79002-130 Mercadão Municipal Campo Grande- MS (67) 3383-3157 https://goo.gl/maps/ybAsHnUrZzPmdZPx7 Tokyo Dome Snack Bar (Sarravulho pastry - beef offal: heart, liver, kidney, pepperoni, potato, chives and olives R$10); Mandatory stop Pastry shop (Paraguayan soup R$8) 2. Indigenous Fair https://goo.gl/maps/bTiSrtBQo4QGHQX79 3. Indigenous Nations Park - address: Av. Afonso Pena, s/n - Centro, Campo Grande - MS, 79002-072 Indigenous Nations Park https://goo.gl/maps/QzYqEhbZ96piyj9S9 4. Aipim Roots Kitchen - address: R. Frederico Soares, 382 - Santa Fe, Campo Grande - MS, 79021-250 Aipim Roots Kitchen (67) 98138-7203 https://goo.gl/maps/rob3LFM2W4YxwtdG6 lunch 11am to 3pm, dinner R$18ha 10pm pacu to order R$175.90 ; blind dinner) dishes: sun-dried beef R$65.80 ; fried cassava (cover) ; dessert: Boi-pá, sweet cabotiã pumpkin cooked in molasses and cream R$12.90 5. Praça das Araras 6. Restaurante Tropeiro Gastrô - address: R. Yokoama, 231 - Vila Palmira, Campo Grande - MS, 79112-260 Restaurante Tropeiro Gastrô (67) 99284-1515 https://goo.gl/maps/wzoWpJWVrY1QJEkL9 codfish fritters R$4 each ; complete feijoada R$38 (served with pork rinds) ; chicken fritters with Nicola cheese R$15 ; pasta de comitiva R$25 ; 7. Yallah - address: R. Sete de Setembro, 1885 - Jardim dos Estados, Campo Grande - MS, 79002-501 Yallah (67) 99912-2704 https://goo.gl/maps/ewyLjPPT1ejcskvSA dishes: Grape leaf cigar R$18.00; Mini Kibe fir baskets R$45.90; Closed meat esfiha R$10.00; Open meat esfiha R$12.00; Cheese boat with apricot R$12.90 (unit); Cheese boat with dates R$10.50 (unit); Lamb rice with saffron - R$62.00; Kibe Sainte Marrie - R$93.99; Dry curd - R$22.00; Hummus Tahini - R$22.00; Babaganush - R$22.00; Trio of spreads - R$33.90; Quartet of pastas - R$45.00 8. Jadi Soba - address: R. São Paulo, 2-184 - São Francisco, Campo Grande - MS, 79002-270 Jadi Soba https://goo.gl/maps/FVAT5jPqyrEzD4UB9 soba ????R$23 to R$43 (depending on size and flavor) 9. Comitiva do Helinho - address: R. Pedro Celestino, 354 - Jardim Monte Libano, Campo Grande - MS, 79004-560 Comitiva do Helinho (67) 99695-6378 https://goo.gl/maps/HmSpQRJiv6rEPUwDA / comitivadohelinho18 all you can eat R$35 per person; set meal R$24, lunch box R$22 ____ Special thanks to Chef Paulo Machado for helping us with the agenda and giving us direction. • Paulo's personal Instagram: https://instagram.com/chefpaulomachad... • Food Safáris Instagram: https://instagram.com/foodsafaris?igs... • Gastronomic expeditions with Food Safáris: http://brasilfoodsafaris.com/ • Paulo's book about Pantanal cuisine: https://bei.com.br/livro/cozinha-pant... ——— Thanks for watching us and if you're new here, subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of this hungry couple's gastronomic adventures! Hugs, Guilherme Camocardi and Rafa Ribs Be a member of this channel and get benefits: / @rio4fun • RIO4FUN on social media • Facebook: / rio4fun / rio4food Instagram: / rio4fun / rio4food / gagui22 / ribs.rafa ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-shirts: https://www.reserva.ink/rio4fun ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direction and Production: Guilherme Camocardi and Rafa Ribs Video Editing: Lara Garcia Consulting: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tours in Rio: http://rio4fun.com/o