In this magical fairy tale, children set off on an adventure to discover the secrets of a hidden treasure in the forest. Zuzia, Ania and Dawid meet a mysterious elf who tries to get their treasure, and the whole story takes place in a beautiful, enchanted forest full of wonders. ???? A wonderful fairy tale, full of adventures and magic! ???? Audiobook perfect for evening relaxation. ???? Fairy tales to fall asleep to with beautiful music and a wonderful story. ✨ Adventures of children in an enchanted forest that will awaken the imagination. Help us develop the channel ???? Subscribe to our channel to enjoy new fairy tales every day ???? / @bajkoprzygody ???? ???? Reward the videos with thumbs up ???? ❤️ Reward with hearts in the comments ❤️ #bajkanadobroniac #bajkidosluchania #bajkipopolsku #słuchowisko #słuchowisko #audiobook