???? Poland vs Czech Republic, country comparison in JANUARY 2024. Czech Republic, the official name of this country is the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is located in Central Europe, it is also one of Poland's seven neighbors. In terms of area, this country is almost 4 times smaller than our country, the total area currently amounts to 78 thousand km2, the number of inhabitants is also much lower, oscillating around less than 11 million. The capital and at the same time the largest city of the discussed Czech Republic is Prague, a town located in the western part of the country, on the Vltava river, inhabited by over 1 million, 300 thousand people. The public debt of the discussed Czech Republic according to data from December 2022 is 44% of the Gross Domestic Product. The Czech Republic is not an indebted country, although the diagram can be seen that the level of debt of the presented country was once at much lower levels. Despite everything, it is difficult to call the Czech Republic a country with excessive debt, especially since there is still quite a lot of space to reach the recommended level of 60% of GDP by the Maastricht Treaty. The Czech Republic currently ranks 7th in the world in terms of economic complexity based on exports. This places our southern neighbor in the top tier of countries with the most complex economy, ahead of countries such as the United States, Great Britain, France, and the People's Republic of China. The value of Czech exports alone is USD 217 billion. The main products shipped by Czechs are: cars, car parts, various types of machinery, including computers, broadcasting equipment, and to a lesser extent metal ores, pharmaceuticals, and chemical products. The leading recipients of Czech exports are mainly European countries, especially neighboring Germany, which receives over 30% of what Czechs send outside their country. In the case of imports, here too the Federal Republic of Germany is the leading trading partner for the Czech Republic, followed by China, and Poland, which accounts for less than 10% of this country's imports. The Czech Republic imports mainly: cars, car parts, machinery, various types of metals, crude oil, and a wide group also includes pharmaceuticals, chemical products and textiles. The Czech Republic, like our country, has been a member of the European Union and the NATO military alliance since 2004, although several decades ago this country, in the form of Czechoslovakia, was in the Soviet, communist zone of influence. In almost all statistics, this country is superior to Poland, it is almost always a few points higher, and sometimes even a dozen or so. It seems that among the countries of the former "Eastern Bloc", it is probably the Czech Republic that is most similar in economic terms to the countries of the so-called "Old Union". In any case, our southern neighbor generally looks better compared to Poland. Of course, the Republic of Poland has a higher potential, it has access to the sea, it is a larger and much more populated country - therefore the overall picture of GDP is more favorable, but on the other hand, in terms of per capita it is the other way around. And more about the economic statistics of the Czech Republic in comparison to Poland, you can see directly in the recording. I invite you to watch! ???? ======================== 00:00 Czech Republic - area, capital, population 00:40 Poland and Czech Republic - GDP 01:16 Poland and Czech Republic - GDP per capita 02:10 Poland and Czech Republic - public debt 02:43 Czech Republic - Export / Import 04:11 A few sentences of summary 05:14 Poland vs Czech Republic - direct comparison ======================== ✅ If you see value in the recordings or simply like the presentations I create, I encourage you to leave a SUBSCRIPTION, COMMENT and LIKE. ???? ======================== ???? SEE ALSO: • ???????? POLAND vs RUSSIA ???????? (2024) #Poland ... • ???????? POLAND vs SPAIN ???????? (2024) #Pol... ========================= ???? BACKGROUND MUSIC USED IN THE RECORDING: Kevin MacLeod - Babylon - Disco Ultralounge / audiolibrary Francis Preve - Seductress / audiolibrary ======================= ???? SOURCE MATERIALS USED IN THE RECORDING RECORDING: imf.org data.worldbank.org tradingeconomics.com theglobaleconomy.com oec.world globalfirepower.com statista.com populationof.net stat.gov.pl polskawliczbach.pl ourworldindata.org en.wikipedia.org pixabay.com and our own studies. ???? Graphic materials were used within the scope of fair use, in order to diversify the content and enable a better understanding of the information presented. ======================= #Poland #Poland #Czech Republic #Czech2024 #CzechRepublic #Czech #Czech2024 #Warsaw #Prague #Pilsen #EconomicComparison #GDP #History #Sejm