Hello everyone! Today I will share with you my advice and experience in creating an online store. Feel free to watch different videos on the subject, in order to confront yourself with different opinions :) MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO: BUSINESS CARDS: - https://www.vistaprint.fr/cms/search?... STICKERS: - https://www.vistaprint.fr/papeterie/a... ACCRE: - https://www.service-public.fr/particu... - https://www.urssaf.fr/portail/home/in... ???? SHOP: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ectomorphe ???? FOLLOW ME: Instagram: /ectomorphe_ ???? [email protected] MUSIC: Philanthrope - Walking Dreams [Full BeatTape] Canon 60D - 50mm f1.8 Final Cut Pro - Photoshop