With ABA, we return to autism, a disease that has remained enigmatic, with still unclear causes, and which in Italy affects 20 children out of every 10 thousand births and involves 400 thousand families, a number that is unfortunately increasing sharply but is certainly underestimated by the families themselves. The term autism comes from the Greek αὐτός, meaning same, and consists in detachment from reality, and in a more or less marked prevalence of the interior life. ABA therapy is applied to the autistic child, an English acronym that stands for Applied Behavior Analysis, applied behavioral analysis. What is it, why is it considered the most officially validated therapy? The big, gigantic problem of autistic children is behavior. How do you proceed, what techniques are used to influence their behavior? The key moment of the approach with the autistic child is the taking charge, the moment in which you have to choose the approach method with the little one.. Claudia Isone, Child Neuropsychiatrist, Giovanna Vicinanza, Doctor Neupsicomotricista, CeFiSa Centers Gruppo Forte Quotidiano Medicina of November 27, 2014. Every day live on Telecolore dt and on www.telecolore.it in live streaming. Hosted by Aldo Primicerio