Black people have entered universities and have secured the qualifications that are so necessary for the job market. However, the job openings that require training are still mostly reserved for white people. Until when? Brazil, despite having 54% black people, according to the IBGE, still does not have the necessary diversity when it comes to filling job openings - whether public or private. Black people are still historically mostly assigned to jobs that do not require a higher level of technical knowledge or training. For many years, the justification for the absence of black people in these positions was the lack of educational capital. However, since the advent of racial quotas, which guarantee black people compensation for years of denied education, the reality in universities has not been the same. Black people have gotten there, graduated and, even so, face difficulties when it comes to hiring. The barrier is racial. The ombudsman general of the Public Defender's Office of Bahia, Vilma Reis, and the attorney general of the Public Prosecutor's Office of São Paulo, Elisiane Santos, present data that show the reality of black people in the country's job market. They also point out the need for affirmative actions focused on racial issues to also reach companies, so that young black people can access these higher positions, ensuring diversity. In addition, of course, to continuing with the studies and specializations necessary for an even more complete education. Participants: Vilma Reis, sociologist and ombudsman of the Public Defender's Office of Bahia and Jaqueline de Jesus, Professor of Psychology at the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro. More information: https://www.revistaforum.com.br/nosso... https://www.conjur.com.br/2009-nov-19... https://www.revistaforum.com.br/racia... http://www.overmundo.com.br/overblog/... http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/direi... https://exame.abril.com.br/brasil/os-... https://agenciadenoticias.ibge.gov.br... https://economia.uol.com.br/noticias/... https://oglobo.globo.com/economia/neg... https://www.cartacapital.com.br/econo... http://csb.org.br/noticias/brancos-sa... http://nosmulheresdaperiferia.com.br/... https://economia.estadao.com.br/blogs... https://www.geledes.org.br/negros-eo... http://www.socialistamorena.com.br/da... #Quotas #Racism #CanalPreto