Oktagon conductor. That's how you could talk about the work that Michal Pavel does for the famous organization. He is an event director, which in practice means that he is in charge of the entire event, especially what happens behind the scenes. "The worst was the first duel between the titans Karlos and Attila," Pavel recalls in an interview with CNN Prima NEWS about the most demanding tournament so far. But on Saturday he faces an even more difficult challenge. The largest MMA gala evening in Czech history - Oktagon 58. And Vémola and Végh will once again be in the lead roles. 📲 Follow editor Ondřej Němec on social networks: Facebook: / ondrejnemecon Instagram: / on_ondrejnemec Twitter: / on_ondrejnemec 💻 Visit the CNN Prima NEWS website at https://cnnprima.cz #cnnprimanews #cnnprima #OndrejNemec