Economist Behzod Hoshimov is well-known to Uzbek netizens through his articles in Gazeta.uz, posts on his Telegram channel, and projects on YouTube. He recently defended his doctoral degree at the University of Wisconsin in the USA and is about to begin his career as a professor at the Abu Dhabi campus of New York University. We spoke with Behzod Hoshimov ahead of the next important stage in his scientific career. Why is Uzbekistan's current trade policy harmful? Why do Uzbeks spend so much money on weddings? Although the constitution of Uganda is almost identical to that of the USA, why is Uganda not as rich and prosperous as the USA? Behzod Hoshimov tried to answer these and other similar questions during the interview. 00:00 - Teaser 00:37 - Introduction 01:10 - The road to Singapore 02:41 - Why mathematics? 04:09 - Where did your interest in economics come from? 06:55 - Misinterpreting reasons for Singapore's success 12:33 - The road to the University of Wisconsin 14:21 - The greatest legacy left by the founding fathers of the United States 20:55 - When did the idea of becoming a scientist arise? 21:50 - Why is Uganda not as rich and prosperous as the United States, even though the constitution of Uganda is almost the same as the United States? 30:21 - Does a scientist have to disagree with certain opinions? 31:59 - Why is membership in the World Trade Organization necessary? 38:45 - What happens if a researcher in the United States comes to conclusions that are harmful to a group? 40:32 - "The truth is approaching" 49:34 - Why is university independence important? 52:15 - About privatization processes in Uzbekistan 57:30 - About elite schools 01:01:45 - Are taxes high in Uzbekistan? 01:09:15 - Is it possible to conduct economic research in Uzbekistan? 01:09:56 - About the construction of nuclear power plants 01:14:32 - How urgent is the problem of data shortage in Uzbekistan? 01:17:06 - Economics or politics first? 01:18:38 - "Increasing the number of entrepreneurs should not be the goal" 01:21:15 - "The price of money is a good KPI for the government" 01:23:32 - Why do Uzbeks spend so much on weddings? 01:32:02 - What can we do so that people do not stand in line for gas and gasoline? 01:40:27 - Who is the smartest person Behzod Hoshimov has met? 01:40:51 - How can we make the country richer and more prosperous? 01:41:02 - When is Behzod Hoshimov going to return to Uzbekistan? 01:41:33 - Should we take any measures to bring back highly qualified personnel abroad? 01:42:02 - The role of parents in pursuing science 01:42:48 - What is patriotism? Telegram – https://t.me/gazetauz_uzb Facebook – / gazetauz Instagram – / gazetauzbekistan Twitter – / gazeta_uz