Juri Ozawa lives in Saitama Prefecture. In 2008, her in-laws' car was hit head-on by a drunk driver in Kumagaya City, killing her husband's parents and seriously injuring her brother and sister. The owner of the restaurant that served the alcohol was also arrested, resulting in the "Kumagaya 9-person fatality and injury accident." For Juri, this happened just one year after her happy wedding, and it completely changed her life. 16 years after that tragic accident, a new system has been established that allows victims and surviving families to convey their "feelings" to the perpetrators who are serving their sentences. As the perpetrator's sentence approaches, Juri decides to use this system. She visits a local prison and begins to talk about her "feelings" over the past 16 years. "Have you ever thought about our family?" After that, Juri received a handwritten letter from the perpetrator, who was released on parole. What was the "promise" written in it? And then the anniversary of her parents-in-law's death arrived. What did Juri and the other surviving family members see when they visited the accident scene? A socially conscious documentary that follows the bereaved family and the perpetrator of a traffic accident 16 years later. #Communication of feelings #Ainokai #Prisoner #Dangerous driving #Parole #Traffic accident #Drunk driving #Bereaved family #Documentary