Thank you everyone for watching 😊 🌸 My Instagram: / kachoktv ⭐️Looking for filming collaboratorsWe are currently looking for people to help us film videos🙌 If there are any owners who would like to "entertain foreigners visiting Japan together with Kachok TV", please contact us here🙇♀️ [email protected] ⭐️Channel membership / @tina_kachoktv ⭐️Other SNS Sub-channel: / @kachoktv_family Instagram: / kachoktv X: / kachoktv ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーIf you're new to Kachok TV, be sure to check out the popular videos here: ➡︎ • Popular videos If you want to hear more from Tina, click here: ➡︎ • Why do I love Japan? For interview-type videos, check out this playlist: ➡︎ • Street interviews Food review videos: ➡︎ • Eating