The problem started in 2020, when Mayor Ishimaru tweeted that "city council members were falling asleep during the assembly" immediately after taking office, and then claimed that he received a remark from Councilman Yamane in a private setting that could be interpreted as "threat". Councilman Yamane later released an audio recording and claimed that there was no "threat". He filed a lawsuit against Mayor Ishimaru seeking damages, claiming that "the mayor reported lies and suffered mental pain." This is the official news channel of Hiroshima Home Television. We update our channel every day, so please subscribe to our channel. #Hiroshima #News #HiroshimaNews #PitaNews---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broadcast on December 26, 2023 *The information posted is from the time of the interview. Please note. ■Hiroshima's evening is "PitaNews" https://www.home-tv.co.jp/pitanew/ ■Other Hiroshima news is being distributed on "HOME Hiroshima News"! https://www.home-tv.co.jp/news/hirosh... ■We deliver the latest news on Twitter! / home_news5