Click↓↓ and get more information about her, written in poor English, however(^^; http://retcapt1501.hatenablog.com/ent... On Wednesday, September 25th, 2013, at the annual "Togo no Mori Music Festival" held at Ruaru Togo in Harajuku, Miyake Yukari, singer of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Tokyo Band, performed Baisho Chieko's 1963 debut song "Shitamachi no Taiyo." Miyake Yukari looks natural in these Showa era pop songs. She must be chewing over every song carefully and trying to make it her own. If you want to know the lyrics, please click the link below. http://www.utamap.com/showkasi.php?su... If you are a fan of Miyake Yukari, please drop by my blog. http://retcapt1501.hatenablog.com/arc...