The film is based on the true story of the father of Turar Ryskulov, a famous public figure of the 20th century, Ryskul (the prototype of Baktygul). Baktygul's younger brother Tektygul dies at the hands of a rich man named Salmen. Then, wanting revenge, he steals Salmen's horse. Salmen finds out about this and beats him. Later, Baktygul goes to Zharasbai in hope of help. But Zharasbai betrays him. Unable to bear it, he kills Zharasbai instead of taking revenge. Producer: Film Studio "Kazakhfilm" and Film Studio "Kirgizfilm" Year: 1968 Duration: 99 min Color: colorless Director: Bolot Shamshiev Scriptwriters: Bolot Shamshiev, Akim Tarazi Cinematographers: M. Turabekov Art Director: A. Makarov Composer: D. Ter-Tatevosyan Sound Operator: A. Polkanov Cast: Suimenkul Chokmorov Sovetbek Zhumadilov Viktor Uralsky Rakhmetbai Teleubayev Muratbek Ryskulov Baken Kydykeyeva Mukhamedkali Tauanov Kasymkhan Shanin Leonid Yasinovsky